Resources that explain problems inherent in standardized testing. (And one link to the Save the Manatee Club)
FairTest or The National Center for Fair & Open Testing works to end the misuses and flaws of standardized testing and to ensure that evaluation of students, teachers and schools is fair, open, valid and educationally beneficial.
“A Modest Proposal” An essay on standardized testing by Newberry-award-winning author, Kelly Barnhill.
My Third grader Thought She Had Failed State Standardized Test An essay by Darlena Cunha, mother of twins and owner of parenttwin blog.
“Suspected Flaw in State Tests” An analysis of Dr. Walter Stroup’s research into standardized testing.
A Principal Apologizes. Rocky River Middle School Principal David Root writes an open letter, apologizing to his students, staff, and community for over-emphasizing standardized testing, instead of encouraging real thinking and learning.
More on Dr. Walter Stroup. When Dr. Stroup showed a Texas congressional committee the flaws in Texas’ standardized testing regime, Pearson Education, the richest and most powerful testing company in America struck back.
Settling for Scores. Why students and schools are still judged by the results of standardized test scores. from The New Republic.
Opting Out of High-stakes Standardized Testing. Diane Ravitch, former Assistant Secretary of Education and former standardized testing proponent, explains why parents should opt their kids out of taking standardized tests.
College Test Fraud/Admissions Scandal. How money and influence have corrupted college testing and admissions.
Save the Manatee Club, a site dedicated to preserving Manatee habitat, including a message from singer/song writer Jimmy Buffett, a co-founder of the club.